Just as cleaning your air conditioning is important (see previous blog post) for the good customer service in a café or restaurant, so too is making sure there are no creepy crawlies around the feet of your diners. No one wants to see a cockroach or a rat scurry across the floor as they are eating dinner!
There are some simple ways to keep pests out of your work space.
Keep it clean
Instil good cleaning habits in all of your staff. Make sure every surface is wiped clean regularly throughout the food preparation period and very thoroughly at the end of the day. No food scraps should be left out in the open, all spillages mopped up with hospitality strength cleaning products and fridges and cold rooms also kept in a constant state of cleanliness.
Good storage
Rats and mice will quickly eat through packaging to access food. Make sure all your food supplies are well stored in a cool room or in properly sealed air tight containers. Lids on glass jars containing flour or grains should be properly sealed as weevils can quickly take up residence. While weevils don’t carry disease it is best to control them before they get into all your grains and pastas and then you have to throw out all the food. This can become expensive.
Seal up openings
Bugs, beetles and rodents are opportunistic pests. If they find a way into your premises they will take advantage of it. Make sure windows are properly sealed and any gaps around water or gas pipes are sealed to ensure no pests can get in. Cover all drainage holes so pests don’t come up through the pipes.
Keep your grease clean
Grease traps should be serviced regularly and ensure that areas around the grease trap are cleaned so it does not attract pests.
Oh no! I have a cockroach invasion!
It is in your best interest to engage a qualified pest inspector immediately to eradicate the problem. (Try also Zapem Pest Management.) You don’t want to Council to close down your business due to a health risk because of vermin or other pests.
Always use an approved licensed pest control operator to carry out regular inspections of all kitchens and food areas for signs of pests. The pest controller will be able to indicate how often pest inspections should be carried out. The pest controller can also recommend a program suited to your needs for controlling pests and recommend a maintenance schedule. Ensure the operator provides you with documentation proving that a pest treatment has been done.