As any good cafe or restaurant owner knows cleanliness of the premises is vital to the running of a successful business. No customer wants to see dirty tables and floors or not properly washed glasses – there is nothing more off putting than a lipstick mark on your water glass. A thoroughly clean premises also keeps cockroaches and rodents away too.
Something that many business owners forget about cleaning is their air conditioning unit. In any area where there is food being prepared – and more so in the fast food industry, the air conditioner will take in all the grime and oils of the kitchen. And then when turned on they will blow the air across all that muck back into your kitchen or in the dining area. The regular cleaning of your air conditioner helps to prevent the spread of germs and ensures your air conditioner runs far more efficiently.
We use the guys at South East Electrical for our air conditioning cleaning. They also did the original air can installation so it makes sense to continue to use a team of licenced electricians that we know and trust to do all out air conditioning installation and cleaning as well our ongoing electrical works. Plus they are Arctick approved. This is vital when you engage any air conditioning specialist.

Health risks and air conditioning
There can be some serious health risks if an air conditioning system is not maintained. Legionnaires Disease is one big one. This will more commonly occur in larger buildings that use cooling towers in their air conditioning systems. Be mindful that many cafes and restaurants do exist in these types of situations. Other air conditioning based illnesses are increased likelihood of asthma and colds.

Inefficient Air Conditioners Cost you money
If an air conditioning unit is full of build up it will have to work much harder to run efficiently. In fact it won’t run efficiently at all. And inefficiencies cost you. A well maintained and regularly cleaned air conditioner will last much longer than one that is not maintained or cleaned on a regular basis and means lower energy bills because the unit isn’t working as hard.
Air Conditioning Cleaning Makes Sense
Save money, keep cooler in summer and maintain good customer service by investing in regular air conditioning cleaning services from air conditioning professionals. In our case we use the team at South East Electrical Services for all our air conditioning and electrical needs.